Forme cent surface

Plywood | 84 x 36 x 12 cm

This remarkable artwork is meticulously crafted from an intricate assembly of laser-cut wood sheets. Each layer, distinguished by its darker brown edges, evokes the visual poetry of tree rings, serving as a poignant reminder of the inexorable passage of time.

As light and shadows play upon the surfaces, they come together to create a symphony of depth and subtlety, infusing the artwork with a profound sense of relief. The juxtaposition of these layers adds a tactile quality, softening the overall form and inviting the viewer to explore the piece in both its intricacies and its broader narrative.

What makes this work all the more enchanting is the hidden story within its shape. The contours of the piece draw inspiration from an old drawing — a depiction of an elderly woman’s mouth expression — crafted when I was just 12 years old. This early artistic endeavor was an attempt to capture and convey my own concealed melancholy, a poignant reflection of the emotions that lay hidden beneath the surface.

In the fusion of this childhood creation and the contemporary intricacy of the laser-cut wood, the artwork becomes a tangible link between past and present, and a testament to the enduring power of art to express and transcend our deepest, most concealed emotions.

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