
Who am I ?

As a French architect, now based in Cyprus, I bring a diverse and enriching perspective to the field of architecture. My academic journey led me to graduate from the National Institute of Applied Sciences in Strasbourg, and my professional path has been marked by a global exploration of the built environment.

With experiences in Switzerland, London, Paris, and Hong Kong, I’ve had the privilege of contributing to a broad spectrum of architectural endeavors. From the intricacies of apartment renovations to the grandeur of urban neighborhood development, I’ve been passionate about understanding the symbiotic relationship between city morphology and its impact on the people who inhabit these spaces.

My year of global travel became a profound milestone in my career, allowing me to immerse myself in diverse architectures and urban fabrics. These adventures not only expanded my architectural horizons but also introduced me to the beauty of new cultures and ideas.

Hong Kong became a pivotal juncture in my professional journey. After specializing in large-scale projects with international architecture firms, I took a decisive step in 2014 by acquiring a company, shifting my focus to the ‘small scale.’ This transition allowed me to explore an extensive range of design disciplines, from apartment renovations and showrooms to stand designs, product creations, and visual identities.


As an artist, I began my creative journey around the age of 12, at a time when I was wrestling with profound fears and uncertainties about life’s purpose. It was a challenging period, where I felt as if my soul were adrift in the vast expanse of this infinite world, a place where I felt deeply alone and lost.

During this period of introspection, my parents, in their earnest effort to support me, arranged for psychoanalysis to help me navigate these complex emotions […]